This is for you if:
+ You just have a few questions
+ You want to connect to the wisdom of your higher self
+ You don't really have anything you want to work through or work towards.
30 min. Investment: $111
The process: Faye will say a non-religious prayer to call in the light, The Holy Spirit of light and The Divine Mother frequency to create the sacred space. She will then read you, often times seeing numbers, colors, images and scenes playing out in your energetic space. These things all have meaning. The initial read will be followed by a short Q&A.
Faye's readings offer guidance on your life and soul purpose, career, relationships, spiritual gifts, talents, abilities and more.
Please come with an intention for the reading.
this is a mini reading designed for those who want to check in with spirit and have a few questions. quick and simple.
This is for you if:
+ You have more than just a few questions
+ You want to connect to the wisdom of your higher self
+ You want to raise your awareness
+ You have a deep desire for understanding
+ You want to work through something or you have a goal you want to work towards
60 min. Investment $197
The process: This consultation will start out in a similar fashion to a reading. Faye will say the same prayer and create the same sacred space and then read you and your energy followed by Q&A.
What sets this consult apart from the reading is in the fact that it is designed for doing the work. The inner work.
this consultation is designed for those who want a more in-depth check in with spirit and desire a deeper understanding.
This is for you if:
+You have one or two things that are bothering you
+ You are looking for answers to something specific
+ You just have a few questions
+ You are more interested in the reading than the Reiki healing
60 min. Investment: $222
During this session Faye will utilize Reiki to calm and ground your body and then use her psychic abilities to scan your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. She will look into the organs and systems of your body and also talk to your body with the goal of discovering the root cause of whatever it is that you are dealing with.
There will be a short Q&A at the end where Faye will share with you all of her findings.
This reading is designed for those who want to check in with their body, look at roort cause, and have a few health related questions
Please note: Faye is not a doctor and cannot diagnose nor treat any illness or dis-ease. This session is for educational purposes only. By booking this session you agree to consult with your doctor prior to taking any advice or suggestions presented to you during your session.
This is for you if:
+ You want to learn about the body and health in a holistic way
+ You want to work through something
+ You have a lot of questions
+You want to energetically release some blocks
+You are looking for answers regarding multiple problems
90 min. Investment: $297
This consultation will start out similarly to the Medical Intuitive Reading and then it goes deeper with time for energetically releasing blocks to healing which may be present, and longer Q&A at the end which allows for more advice from Spirit to be transmitted.
this consultation is designed for those who have a current illness or chronic problem, want to look at root cause, and have more than a few questions.
Please note: Faye is not a doctor and cannot diagnose nor treat any illness or dis-ease. This session is for educational purposes only. By booking this session you agree to consult with your doctor prior to taking any advice or suggestions presented to you during your session.
Carolina, Executive Assistant
“My healing session with Faye was remarkable. I had questions about some health issues I’ve been dealing with and she was able to give me concise and practical guidance that I’ve already started implementing in my life.
Her kind and thoughtful approach let me know she truly cares about being of service to others. Her expertise covers a wide range of methodologies.
I highly recommend her to anyone who is open to receiving intuitive guidance in any area of their lives.”
“What an amazing session with Faye! She was incredible!!
She validated many assumptions I felt, helped me to formulate a plethora of new ideas/possibilities from the Akashic Records she accessed, and was able to relay messages from my Heavenly hosts!
It was PROFOUND and left me buzzing with direction!"
Holly, international business owner
"She's the real deal!"
“Faye is a light that shines brightly!
I found her after setting an intention. She is truly a gift - her energy is crystalline, pure, powerful and accurate.
If you want to know about your true purpose right now and what potential you hold, Faye is the one. From one starseed to another, she's the real deal!”
Sheela, psychic
"She provided clarity on my talents and things to focus on."
“I had an intuitive reading with Faye and I'm still amazed by how it went.
Going into the session she only knew my name, by the time I left, I felt like she knew everything about me and I didn't say a thing. She provided clarity on my talents and things to focus on.
She has a real gift and is so intuitive. She read my mind and energy and gave me so much to reflect on."
Katy entrepreneur