Are you ready to make a shift? It's time to dream big.

let's get personal

I was sick, burned out, and incredibly unhappy with my life. I was with the wrong person and in the wrong place and my work was not in alignment with my higher purpose.

Then I experienced my spiritual awakening and I saw the healing that needed to tape place. And so, my healing journey began.

Now I am healthy and happy (more days than not). I detoxed my mind and body, released my limitations (still working on a few of them though, let's be real) and stepped into my power. An amazing thing happened after I did that: I married the man of my dreams and began working in my soul aligned career. 

Now I want you to know how powerful you are too! You can heal anything; you can change your life!

I know every everyone has their reasons for not healing just as I had my own for so long. Some of those reasons very valid.

As a survivor and now thriver of complex developmental trauma, I know how hard it can be to step into your power. As a mom, wife, and  healer, I know how hard it can be to find time to do the inner work that is necessary to create change. As a professional psychic, I can see the blocks held in mind, body and emotions; the root of whatever may be holding you back. I get it, I really do.

I can also see the quickest route for you to change...anything.

So the question I have for you is simple: If not now, when?

Hey there,
I'm Faye Ryan

here to help you change your life. 
You can call me your catalyst.

I am happy to say that I have healed myself from the effects of complex developmental  trauma, abuse, limiting beliefs, biotoxin illness, and heavy metal toxicity.
As my healing began, I started to see life in an entirely different light and my perception shifted dramatically. I was finally coming back home to myself. It felt as though I was waking up from a fuzzy dream and the more I woke up, the clearer my vision became.

I write this to you from a place of gratitude. I am now living the life that I always desired, but for most of my life felt was unattainable to me. I am married to an amazing man, we have a wonderful son, and I work as a healer. I am surrounded by beauty because I know how to look for it. I’m not saying my life is perfect; perfection is a lie. What I am saying is that a lot can change in a relatively short period of time.

I discovered hope, healing, and a higher power existing within myself and it was at that time I decided to share that hope with others. That higher power exists within you too and you can absolutely change anything, heal anything, and live a happy and fulfilled life, a life you enjoy living.

In a very good place! 

I started out as a very intuitive child growing up in a very abusive household. Violence was the norm. I spent much of my time hiding and trying to disappear because it was safer to be invisible. I grew up thinking this was normal because it was all I had ever known. Living in a constant state of nervous system dysregulation was my comfort zone and the idea of being happy or at peace was a foreign concept reserved for other people, but not for me.

​Later in life, through a series of synchronicities that could not be ignored, I experienced a spiritual awakening. I began to realize that life could be different and that's when I embarked upon my healing journey.

I began to study everything I could about the mind and body, trauma, complex PTSD, PPD, rewiring, toxicity, detoxing, mysticism and the connection between trauma and toxicity in the body as a root cause for mental illness and physical sickness... all in search of answers for my own healing.


My story has a rough beginning.

where I started

Where I am now

Certified Reiki Master / Teacher


Founder of energy arts lab and the sedona reiki school

Teacher: Alan Waugh

Teacher: Hans Decoz

Certified Clairvoyant

The International School of Clairvoyance

Certified in Somatic EMDR

The Embody Lab

Certified in Hypnosis for childbirth

HMI College of Hypnotherapy

Certified in Trauma Recovery 

HMI College of Hypnotherapy

Nationally accredited diploma in clinical hypnotherapy

HMI College of Hypnotherapy Certification/Residency Program 750+ hrs

Qualifications and Training

How does that sound?

Get clear on your higher purpose, the impact you want to make and what you want to create in this lifetime.

Heal and release the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Step into your power as the creator of your reality and manifest what your heart desires.

Live a healthy and awakened life.

Enough about me, I'm here to help you...

Living a healthy and awakened life.
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